A group of entrepreneurs and legislators is urging President Obama to put particular emphasis on bringing more highly skilled, foreign-born individuals into the country, as calls for broad immigration reform grow louder.
Three senators sent a letter to the president late last week imploring him to address some of the unique hurdles facing today’s entrepreneurs in his fifth State of the Union address. Among those hurdles, they say, none is bigger than immigration laws that are stopping highly educated, entrepreneurial immigrants from launching companies and creating jobs in the United States.
“In your State of the Union address last year, you called on Congress to pass an agenda that helps startups and small businesses succeed,” Senators Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) and Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.) wrote in the letter. “Congress took an important step in this direction by passing the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, but there is more that must be done.”